A visit to the farm – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 : 4eme, 5eme Primaire – PDF à imprimer

Lecture – Level 3 en anglais : “A visit to the farm” en 4eme, 5eme Primaire  

“Today we are going to the countryside to

visit a farm. I am very excited: you know how much I love animals. The farmer said they have hens, cows, horses, ducks, geese and rabbits. Dad is afraid of geese because he says they can chase you and bite you. Mum wants to buy fresh eggs and fresh milk. They also sell apples. We will cook an apple pie when we go back home.”

Vocabulary :

The countryside : la campagne

A goose (pl. geese) : une oie

To chase : poursuivre

To bite : mordre

Fresh : frais

To return home : rentrer

Questionnary :

1/ Where is Tom going ? :

2/ What animals can Tom see in this farm?

3/ What animal the father of Tom is afraid of?

4/ What will they cook when they return home?

A visit to the farm : 4eme, 5eme Primaire – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 pdf

A visit to the farm : 4eme, 5eme Primaire – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 rtf

A visit to the farm : 4eme, 5eme Primaire – Anglais – Lecture – Level 3 – Correction pdf

Exercices en ligne : Anglais : 5eme Primaire