Direct – Indirect – Speech Style direct – indirect – Exercices : 3eme Secondaire – PDF à imprimer

Exercices corrigés à imprimer pour la 3eme Secondaire en anglais

Style direct / indirect – Direct/Indirect Speech Verbes introductifs au prétérit

1 /Choisis entre SAID et TOLD (Choose between SAID or TOLD. Think carefully).

  1. My dad _____________ he had worked all night.
  2. I ____________ him to go to bed and relax.
  3. He ___________________ me he had to go to the office.
  4. I _______________ he would go to the office later in the day.

2/ Coche les phrases qui sont au style indirect (Tick the sentences turned into reported speech).  

□   “I’ve got a tooth ache.”                                             □         I answered I brushed my teeth every day.

□   My dad said I had to go to the dentist.                                □         “Don’t worry. you will be fine.”

□   My mother wondered if I had eaten too many candies       □         “I have an appointment for tomorrow.”

3/Transforme les phrases précédentes qui sont au style direct au style indirect et vice versa  (Turn the direct speech sentences above into indirect report and vice versa).

4 /Rapporte le dialogue suivant au style indirect. Attention aux temps et autres changements à respecter (Turn the following conversation into indirect report. Watch out the tenses and other changes).

LUCY: We will meet your sister at the airport. What time will she arrive?

YOU:  I don’t know exactly. I am going to check. Do you want me to send you a picture of her?

LUCY: Good idea. I haven’t seen her for a long time. She visited us two years ago!

Direct – Indirect – Speech Style direct – indirect : 3eme Secondaire – Exercices    rtf

Direct – Indirect – Speech Style direct – indirect : 3eme Secondaire – Exercices    pdf


Correction – Direct – Indirect – Speech Style direct – indirect : 3eme Secondaire – Exercices     pdf

Jeux en ligne : Grammaire - Anglais : 3eme Secondaire