If et les conditionnelles – Révisions : 3eme Secondaire – PDF à imprimer

Exercices d’anglais à imprimer pour la 3eme Secondaire

Exprimer l’hypothèse / Conditions Clause

1/ Rédige des phrases en utilisant le présent simple dans la subordonnée et le futur WILL/WON’T dans la principale (Write sentences. Use the present simple in the IF half and WILL/WON’T in the second half).

my friends / come tomorrow / listen to music.

I / tidy my room / find my missing books.

my brother / not pass his exam / my parents / not give him a present.

2/Aide les gens à trouver une solution. Commence tes phrases par « If I were you… » (All these people have got problems. Tell them what to go, using “ If I were you…”)

“I can’t understand Maths.”

“If I were you,

“I always wake up late.”

“If I were you,

“I haven’t got enough money.”

“If I were you,

3/Conjugue le verbe au temps qui convient (Fill in the gaps with the correct tense).

If my dad __________________ (get) a good job, he would earn a lot of money.

If you ____________________ (spend) all your money, you won’t have enough to buy your car.

If Ronaldo ____________________ (live) closer, I would love to meet him.

If Kennedy ________________(not / be) shot dead, he would probably have been reelected President.

4/Voici un résumé de la tragédie du Titanic. Lis et complète les phrases (Read and complete the article about the Titanic tragedy).

If et les conditionnelles : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions   rtf

If et les conditionnelles : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions   pdf


Correction – If et les conditionnelles : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions   pdf

Jeux en ligne : Grammaire - Anglais : 3eme Secondaire