Exercices à imprimer en anglais pour la 3eme Secondaire – Make – Let someone do something
1/ Remets les mots dans le bon ordre pour former des phrases cohérentes (Put the words into the right order to make meaningful sentences).
- teacher classroom The let us our in computer use the. ______________________________
- me The made street clean policeman the. _______________________________________
- Kelly husband do the cleaning her makes. _______________________________________
- go am please I me, tired Let. ________________________________________________
2/ Complète les phrases avec MAKE ou LET conjugué selon le sens (Fill in the blanks with the right form of MAKE or LET)
- My father _____________ me cut the grass every week.
- The movie we saw yesterday _____________us laugh.
- ___________ me help you!
- During exams periods, our teachers __________us work very hard.
- Our teachers ____________ us go out during the break.
3/ Reformule les phrases suivantes en utilisant LET ou MAKE (Re-write the following sentences, using LET or MAKE).
My father didn’t allow me to stay in bed late.
The headmaster allowed us to leave school at 3.
When I listen to classical music, I feel relaxed.
The Maths teacher said we couldn’t use our calculators.
4/ Traduis les phrases suivantes (Translate the following sentences).
- Laisse-moi partir avec Jane. _________________________
- Le juge l’a forcée à vendre sa maison. ___________________
Make – Let someone do something : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions rtf
Make – Let someone do something : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions pdf
Correction – Make – Let someone do something : 3eme Secondaire – Révisions pdf